NYC Outreach: Delaware County Flood Assistance
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Thank you for your interest in upcoming events volunteer/fundraising events to assist families that lost their homes in Delaware County during the flooding of 2007.  Please see the list of events below and details in the calendar to the right.  If you would like to add an event to this calendar, please feel free to email at at or call (646) 335-2764.

Thursday, September 25th 

The Iguana Club Fundraiser!

Only $30 at the door. Cash bar. Auction Items Available.

All Proceeds Go Toward Rebuilding

When:    Thursday, September 25th

Where:   The Iguana Club

              240 West 54th Street(Between 8th and Broadway)

Time:     6:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

What:     Volunteer Day!

Status:   OPEN

Who:     The Church of St. Paul the Apostle Young Adult Ministry

             Contact: Adam Pazda (

Details:  Day Trip -

Saturday, October 11, 2008

What:     Volunteer Day!

Status:   OPEN

Who:     The Holy Trinity Contemporary Roman Catholics (CRC)

             Contact: Dave Cervini (

Details:  TBD

Saturday, October 18, 2008

What:     Volunteer Day!

Status:   OPEN

Who:     The Cathedral of St. Patrick's Young Adults

             Contact: Mario Bruschi (

Details:  TBD

Weekend of October 25, 2008

What: Volunteer Weekend

Who: Open

Details: TBD

Weekend of November 1, 2008

What: Volunteer Weekend

Who: Open

Details: TBD

Weekend of November 8, 2008

What: Volunteer Weekend

Who: Open

Details: TBD

Weekend of November 15, 2008

What: Volunteer Weekend

Who: Open

Details: TBD

Weekend of November 22, 2008

What: Volunteer Weekend

Who: Open

Details: TBD

For more information email or call (646) 335-2764.


Fill-Out Volunteer Form

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Email address: